Here are some tips to help ensure you take the best headshots possible:

  • Solid Colors Are Best
  • If Choosing a Pattern, Keep it Simple and Non-Distracting
  • Bring Several Changes of Clothes to the Shoot
  • Make Sure All of Your Clothes Are Ironed or Pressed to Look As Professional as Possible
  • Wear Clothes That Are Comfortable and Fit Well
  • Don’t Overdress
  • Avoid Alcohol the Day Before the Shoot and Drink Plenty of Water
  • Get Plenty of Rest Before the Shoot So You Are Relaxed and in Turn More Photogenic 
  • Keep Jewelry as Simple As Possible – the Smaller the Better

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"Eheu fugaces labuntur anni. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Quam bene vivas refert non quam diu."

—Gabriel S.

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